Concrete Kibbles v.s Concrete Mixer Kibbles

08 May 2024 / Industry

What’s the Right Choice for Your Project?

In the world of construction and mining, the transportation of concrete plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and efficiency of projects. Traditional methods using concrete kibbles have long been constrained by issues of segregation, inefficiency, and safety hazards. However, with advancements in technology, solutions like Undercon’s Concrete Mixer Kibbles have emerged, offering a superior alternative that revolutionises concrete transportation.

The Pitfalls of Traditional Concrete Kibbles

Traditional kibbles, while commonly used, suffer from significant drawbacks that hinder the seamless delivery of concrete to work sites, particularly in underground mines. One of the primary issues is segregation, where the inert materials within the concrete mix become unevenly distributed during transportation. This segregation diminishes the workability of the concrete, impacting the quality of the final product.

Moreover, the design of conventional kibbles, often feature a single door for discharge, posing challenges of placement for concrete crews. This abrupt discharge of concrete into a pile complicates pouring, posing an increased risk of musculoskeletal injuries during manual handling. Additionally, the maintenance of traditional kibbles is both time-consuming and messy. Open-topped designs lead to spills, creating hazards for machinery and personnel while also resulting in wastage and productivity losses.

Undercon’s Concrete Mixer Kibbles: A Game-Changing Solution

In contrast to traditional kibbles, Concrete Mixer Kibbles represent a paradigm shift in concrete transportation technology. These innovative solutions address the shortcomings of conventional methods, offering a host of benefits that enhance efficiency, safety, and productivity.

Continuous Mixing for Optimal Quality

At the heart of Undercon’s Concrete Mixer Kibbles lies advanced mixing technology, featuring a patented dual helical ribbon system. Unlike traditional kibbles, which rely solely on vibration for mixing, this innovative design ensures comprehensive mixing throughout the transportation process. The dual-helical ribbon moves the concrete mix laterally in both directions while rotating radially along its path, effectively preventing segregation and maintaining the homogeneity of the mix.

Operator Control and Precision Placement

With Undercon’s Kibbles, operators have full control over the mixing process and discharge operations. The rotation of the mixing ribbon can be adjusted during transportation, allowing for adjustments to the slump and workability of the concrete. Moreover, hydraulic operation of the discharge chutes enables precise placement of the concrete at the pour site, empowering concrete crews with greater control and efficiency.

Efficiency and Sustainability

Undercon’s Kibbles are designed for maximum efficiency and sustainability. The fully enclosed design minimises spills and waste, reducing environmental impact and improving safety conditions in the workplace. Additionally, the ease of cleaning, facilitated by six water injection points, ensures quick turnaround times between jobs, further optimising productivity.

Proven Performance and Reliability

With over a decade of successful use in underground mines, Undercon’s Concrete Mixer Kibbles boast a proven track record. From supplying freshly mixed concrete to the worksite to advanced mixing technology and operator-friendly features, these mixing units offer unmatched performance. With over a decade of operation, their reliability and durability represent a sound investment with significant ROI potential.

In conclusion, the choice between traditional kibbles and Concrete Mixer Kibbles is clear. Traditional methods have sufficed until now, but the superior performance, efficiency, and safety features of Undercon’s Concrete Mixer Kibble make it the obvious choice for remote construction and mining projects. With Undercon’s Mixer Kibbles, transportation of concrete is no longer a challenge but a seamless and optimised process, setting new standards for excellence in the industry.

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